Una piccola Associazione di Cacciatori in Italia – il Club Italiano del Colombaccio impegnato da sempre ( Rinaldo Bucchi – Progetto Colombaccio 1996) nello sviluppare il concetto della “Ricerca” come unica arma utile alla difesa della Caccia – raggiunge oggi un grande obiettivo nel contesto del Mondo Venatorio Italiano, dove ben più corpose e ricche Associazioni Venatorie gestiscono i fondi della “Ricerca scientifica”.

È arrivata (4 Aprile 2020)  la Email di accettazione della partecipazione del Club Italiano del Colombaccio al Congresso Internazionale di Minsk ( Bielorussia ) – Novembre 2020 – dove saranno affrontati Temi di Ornitologia di grande rilievo scientifico affrontati dai più qualificati Ornitologi di tutta Europa . Per noi è già un grande successo la semplice accettazione, perchè questa accettazione  è soggetta ad una rigida selezione degli Abstracts presentati a Dicembre 2019, poi scelti ora da un Comitato scientifico Internazionale.

Il Congresso di Minsk è gestito da Istituzioni di alta qualificazione come le Accademie delle Scienze ed Università di Bielorussia e Russia.

Così si presentava la Conferenza  già alla fine  del 2019 –

“ La XV Conferenza ornitologica internazionale dell’Eurasia settentrionale, dedicata alla memoria dell’accademico M.A. Menzbier, si svolgerà a Minsk, in Bielorussia, sulla base dell’Accademia Nazionale delle Scienze della Bielorussia.

Durante la conferenza verranno discusse relazioni su questioni attuali di ornitologia fondamentale e pratica. Risultati e prospettive delle ricerche ornitologiche nell’Eurasia settentrionale, preparazione e pubblicazione di riviste faunistiche nei paesi della regione, divulgazione dell’ornitologia e ulteriore sviluppo dei suoi aspetti pratici, compresa la protezione degli uccelli e dei loro habitat, medicina, caccia, ornitologia aeronautica e ornitologica turismo da riassumere e delineare.”

Il Congresso prevede di svilupparsi sui seguenti Temi , ed in tal senso si qualifica come Sede di alto livello scientifico :

Main topics of the Conference:

(A) Fundamental questions of zoology in the study of birds:

(1) General problems and particular solutions in nomenclature, taxonomy and systematics

(2) Paleo records and macroevolution

(3) Morphology, physiology, embryogenesis

(4) Patterns of microevolution: species structure and population divergence

(5) Geography and ecology of populations/species: distribution patterns, range dynamics, tactics and strategies for survival in a heterogeneous environment and pronounced seasonality

(6) Population demography and global trends in species’ numbers

(7) Migration, philopatry, navigation mechanisms

(8) Behavior and zoopsychology (all aspects)

(9) Ontogenesis of a song, vocal dialects and other issues of bioacoustics (B) Applied aspects of bird studies:

(10) Dynamics of ornithocomplexes and a variety of population structures (historical monitoring), compilation of regional atlases

(11) Conservation of birds and their habitats, Red Data Books (12) Sustainable use of birds

(13) Medical and aviation ornithology

(14) Birds and agriculture, birds and game managing, breeding of birds

(15) Birds in cities (applied issues of synanthropization of birds, monitoring)

(16) Popularization of ornithology and environmental education, birdwatching and ornithological tourism.

Round tables are planned on the following topics: Prospects for the implementation of international projects in Northern Eurasia; The problem of species in birds; Birds and electric power lines; Birds and renewable energy; Current warming of the Earth’s climate, its features and dynamics of the fauna of Eurasian birds; Waterbirds, migration dynamics in the Azov-Black Sea region and its causes; Domestic canary, its breeding and keeping.

Abstracts will be published by the beginning of the Conference

La partecipazione del Club Italiano del Colombaccio si articola quindi sui seguenti Abstracts

1 ) Woodpigeon’s (Columba palumbus) autumn 2018 migration : a new method to study dynamic patterns along a single crossing route in Central Italy .

Enrico Cavina,Rinaldo Bucchi,Denis Bianchi

2 ) THE PARA-TYMPANIC ORGAN (PTO) of VITALI : a documental

continuing forgotten request to the SCIENCE

Enrico Cavina

Questi argomenti sono già ampiamente sviluppati sul Journal

Qui i Testi completi degli Abstracts inseriti nel Programma della Conferenza ( Email di accettazione 4 Aprile 2020)

Number 1 –

According with the Topics of the Congress

(5) Geography and ecology …etc.

(7) Migration …..etc.

Woodpigeon’s (Columba palumbus) autumn 2018 migration : a new method to study dynamic patterns along a single crossing route in Central Italy .

Enrico Cavina,Rinaldo Bucchi,Denis Bianchi

Club Italiano del Colombaccio – member Bird Migration Research Foundation,

Visual direct  observation,recording of numbers of birds and flocks, and their instant and long- term behaviours in front of habitat and climatologic changes , seems the most “live” method in real time .

The opportunity to collect and study data , recorded by very expert and traditional observers/hunters along a single corridor long (300 Km) migration’s route that crosses Italy by Woodpigeons as short-medium-long distance migrators ,seemed to us a new method powered by the solution of continuity following the migration along their full crossing way ( crossing Appennine mountains) and autumn timing .

In the present study on a migratory corridor/route ( long 300 Km-large 15-25 Km ) the observations of recorded birds (woodpigeon- Columba palumbus ) were 496.389 in 3.975 flocks , but considering an enlarged area in Central Tuscany ( para-corridor) were 607.749 in 5.805 flocks ( 1st October-15 November 2018 ) . We have also considered detailed analysis during the two “waves/peaks” of the seasonal migration . 41 experts Observers has registered detailed data hour by hour , day by day . In the present preliminary report we have consideterd 3 topics as a first focus.

– Flocking : the sizes of flocks changes during the fly crossing Central Italy in the corridor “Mesola forest – Elba island” as by a sequence fom average values of 306 birds (Mesola) to 46 ( Central Tuscany) and then 81 and finally 156 ( increasing 239%) in Elba island .

– Hunting pressure : it results 0,52 % ( numbers of killed birds 3.201)

– Age : in the first period (1st Oct.-17 Oct)of the autumn migration 1358 YOUNG birds are 55,96% , and in the second period 1843 birds are 50,24%.

The second focus is over 3 topics more:

  • Timing (<9h/9-13h/>13h) in sequence % 40,99% / 53,46% / 5,69% .
  • Height of flying: low  24,52% ,medium 26.66% ,high 51,87%
  • Meteo : all the peaks/waves are connected with jumps of Air Pressure more than 10 hPa.

The evolution of the study of the 6 topics is over 5 geographic segments along 300km the NÈ-SW corridor from arrivals,crossing,departure timing .


Number 2

According with the Topic of the Congress

(3) Morphology, physiology, embryogenesis


continuing forgotten request to the SCIENCE

Enrico Cavina

Club Italiano del Colombaccio ,member Bird Migration Research Foundation ,

Unfortunately the interest in the specific research on the sensitive organ Paratympanic of Vitali (PTO) , remains as “zero” despite many typologies of open research’s fields over PTO and related questions and still unsolved answers from the Science .

It is basic to say “ PTO is used daily by enormous number of living animals (200-300 billions of birds ) but represents currently one of the major unsolved mysteries and challenges in sensory physiology of vertebrates “ ( Giannessi F. 2013).

We have explored many items concerning PTO by retroactive and real-time analysis of “evidence based” data from Bibliography,Web-bibliography,Archives and from the field as previously published .

The basic question is as following : “ why 200-300.000 woodpigeons in stop-over started all together in few minutes by a mass-takeoff , continuing transcontinental migration ? “ as happened 31 October 2017 from Mesola forest (Ferrara-Italy) fully documented and by the video ( Denis Bianchi -2017) and our forecast 4 days before the event.

Mass-continuing-fly at same altitude (altimetric function) and isobaric corridors as by video 2018 from Pamplona (Spain) –

During the autumn migration 2019  other documented events strictly linked to documented jumps of Air Pressure more of 10 hPa ,happened in Italy and Sweden and France .We have forecasted them and we present the documents.

What,where is the finger pushing the bottom of the takeoff , and by what typology of command ?     Many elements suggest that the focus must be on PTO and its sensitive barometric altimetric function .

The text of our precedent short-paper “ PTO in migratory birds: research’s failure or challenge ? “ ( ) seems still valid but -by our personal opinion- the balance is lowering to permanent failure despite so much fascinating topic .

Il mese di Novembre è lontano e speriamo vivamente che le attuali limitazioni di viaggi e di ingressi nei Paesi Europei siano cessate e quindi si possa andare a partecipare attivamente e fisicamente al Congresso.